When is a Dental Bridge Needed?

By: Dr. Junée F. Gardy


A bridge is a state-of-the-art restoration made of two dental crowns with a false tooth in between. Bridges can easily replace a single tooth or multiple teeth – improving your smile and restoring your ability to speak and chew.

Junée F. Gardy DDS, PA is a premier provider of dental bridges in the Naples area. But are you a candidate for this unique and innovative restoration? Dr. Junée F. Gardy will ensure that a bridge is the best possible solution for your smile. Call now to schedule a dental assessment and learn more.

What causes tooth loss?

A missing tooth can have a profound impact on your self-esteem and quality of life. Gaps can make you feel embarrassed to smile in social situations or in front of a camera. The remaining teeth may even shift out of place and cause misalignment, putting your oral health at risk. Fortunately, a dental bridge can close the gap in your smile and address all these issues at once.

How do dental bridges work?

A dental bridge is a restoration (false tooth) held in place by two dental crowns. Crowns are placed on the adjacent teeth to anchor the bridge firmly in place. The restoration itself is made to match the color and shape of your existing teeth so it appears completely natural.

Restorations are made of different materials based on your dental goals and their location in the mouth. For example, porcelain bridges are popular because they look realistic and are durable enough to withstand normal tasks like chewing and biting. Dr. Gardy can discuss all these options with you during a consultation.

Who is a candidate for dental bridges?

Junée F. Gardy DDS, PA, can determine if you are eligible for dental bridges during a thorough consultation in Naples, FL. During this appointment, Dr. Gardy will examine the teeth and gums to ensure dental bridges can meet your needs for tooth loss. We may also take x-ray images of the underlying jawbone. Patients showing signs of decay or gum disease should have these problems addressed before moving forward with restorations.

What are the benefits of dental bridges?

Dental bridges offer many benefits for patients with gaps in their smile, including:

  • Improved ability to speak and chew: Some people limit themselves and their diet because of missing teeth or gaps. Dental bridges allow people to eat the foods they love and speak with much more clarity.
  • Prevention of remaining teeth from shifting: Even small gaps can become much larger without treatment from a trained dentist. Bridges prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting and keep your smile looking uniform.
  • A more aesthetically pleasing smile: Many people want to smile during important events like job interviews, family gatherings, and first dates. Restorations give you the ability to show off your smile no matter the setting.

Restore missing teeth with dental bridges

Dental bridges are a tried and true solution when tooth loss has impacted your daily life. Now, you can schedule a consultation at Junée F. Gardy DDS, PA in Naples, FL to learn more about this innovative restoration and how it works. Dr. Junée F. Gardy is knowledgeable about dental bridges and knows how to create excellent smiles.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.