Located in Naples, FL, our skilled team at Junée F. Gardy DDS, PA is passionate about helping you improve your oral health and aesthetic wellness. We are proud to feature a facility that is latex safe and home to the latest technologies and medical-grade products, which we use to provide customized restorative treatments. Whether you are looking for dental care or aesthetic facial treatments, you've come to the right place. Call us today to schedule your visit.
Maintain your oral health and the appearance of your smile with preventive measures we have available, such as biannual dental exams and cleanings.
Renew your smile by fixing minor teeth imperfections with Invisalign® treatment, Zoom teeth whitening, a smile makeover, dental veneers, and more.
Restore missing or damaged teeth through dental crowns, dental bridges, implant restorations, and more to get the smile you've always wanted.
Prevent gum disease from leading to tooth loss by receiving gentle periodontal disease treatments that target the bacteria causing the inflammation.
Feel at ease and free from anxiety while having dental procedures performed by choosing oral-conscious sedation, which is a sedative given as a pill.
Rejuvenate your skin, replace lost volume in your face, and minimize dynamic facial lines and wrinkles through personalized aesthetic treatments.
Dr. Junée Gardy is an experienced dentist in Naples, FL who specializes in cosmetic, geriatric, pediatric, and sports dentistry for teens and adults of all ages. She is also highly trained in providing aesthetic facial treatments that help her patients look and feel better. Dr. Gardy understands that coming in for dental care can cause anxiety or nervousness so she focuses on creating a comfortable, peaceful environment for each of her patients. By delivering beautiful, restorative results, her goal is to make you smile.
Junée F. Gardy DDS, PA is thrilled to feature a diverse group of experienced dental and aesthetic professionals who seek to provide you with first-class care and an exceptional experience. Our team takes the time to meet with you one-on-one to develop a personalized treatment strategy that is tailored to your dental and aesthetic needs. Our primary goal is to provide safe and effective treatments to every patient who comes to see us.
Dr Gardy is the best dentist I’ve ever been to! I will never go to anyone else ever! She makes you feel comfortable and constantly checks with you to make sure you are not in any pain. I recommend her to everyone that ever asks. So blessed to have such an amazing density’s as she is
Absolutely one of the best Dentists in South Florida!!
Dr.Gardy and her staff are amazing. I have recommended her to many people looking for a dentist.
Dr. Gardy worked on my molar that needed root canal work by Dr. Layton. She did a crown that was absolutely perfect with the margins so tight and you just can't tell it's a crown. You'll be very pleased with her very professional offices and staff.
Dr Gardy and her team are the best!
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